Mars Unix Time is meant to be Mars' first Solar Longitude Independent method of timekeeping. It is based on the Unix Timestamps currently in use by nearly all modern electronics. This means that any hardware bound for Mars and built on Earth can adopt this method with minimal impact and zero additional launch mass.
A marx (mx) is intended to be a unit of time native to Mars. One marx is equal to 0.821993 seconds. One Martian Sol is exactly 108,000 mx. This makes it quite a simple matter to convert a Unix Timestamp into an equivalent timestamp that can be used to derive Time and Dates on Mars. Interestingly, the process is bidirectional. Any future events recorded on Mars with MUT can just as easily be converted back to UTC for colleagues, friends, family, and fans back on Earth.
Also, it is important to note, the marx is not intended to replace or supplant the second as the SI unit of time. Scientific experiments, mission critical event durations, etc all can and should still be measured and carried out using seconds. It is simply a suppliment, intended to make keeping track of your sol to sol events more convenient.